There has been a lot of uncertainty these past few weeks and a lot of stress that goes along with our current situation. Parenting has taken on a whole new level with a lot of us trying to help home-school our kids and we’ve all had to be a little creative with the social distancing guidelines in place. This includes spending time with a loved one to re-connect, and perhaps taking a little break from parenting. Date night at home has become the new normal for a lot of us, and is definitely the case at my house.
Here are some ideas I’ve come up with to keep date night at home fun and fresh. Read on:
Find a New Setting
Is there a certain spot in your house that you’ve always liked but never thought of setting up a dining table for date night at home? Maybe directly in front of a fireplace? Maybe a cozy spot in your backyard? Perhaps a secluded space on your front patio? How about in your bedroom next to a door or window? Change things up a little bit and get creative with where you set up your table.
Shop the post here for a some fun additions to create your own date night at home!
Dress up Your Table
Taking the effort and time to actually set a table with real dishes and cloth napkins (not paper!) can do wonders for the psyche and make it feel like an actual date night out. I know you have real dishes and a least a few cloth napkins – now is great time to use them! Now is even a great time to dust off that wedding china and laugh about it took a quarantine to get you to use them! Don’t forget the flowers too – there are some amazing options for delivery straight to your front door.
Plan the Menu
If you decide to cook yourself for date night at home, it shouldn’t be too laborious. Maybe it’s your significant other’s favorite dish, or maybe it’s a family stand-by that you haven’t made in a while. I always like to choose dishes that I’ve made before and I know by heart. Trying a new recipe can be stressful the first time – leave that to another night.
Make Take-Out Fancy
Things may be changing soon as far as being able to go out again, but there are some things that remain the same: it’s always great to recognize the time that you spend with your significant other and keeping that time special is really important. We can learn from this time and make our own special date night at home something that we do on a regular basis. Going out to a fancy restaurant is certainly fun, but there’s no reason you can’t do the same thing from home!
I hope I’ve given you some inspiration to try date night at home. With a just a little planning, it may be just the right thing to help you reconnect with your loved one.
I hope you and your family are doing well during this quarantine. Yes! I love finding different places around the house/property to have a meal. For Valentine’s Day, I set a lovely table in our front hall. Often we will have something in the library or under a tree in the yard. If nothing else, this sheltering at home has increased our creativity in dining! Be well!