Once our kids started getting a little older, we designated Tuesday nights as Grandma Dinner Night and tried our hardest to schedule sports, activities and late work meetings around dinner so that we could all have one night at the table together. We included our moms, since both of our dads have passed away, and this has made it even more special.

Why are they drinking wine and I’m not?
My special sous-chefs
I make an extra effort to set the table differently each week and come up with a new recipe (or resort to old favorite) where the grandmas can help as my sous chefs. It’s been really rewarding to see the kids (and us) reconnect with our moms and have them share their invaluable wisdom as we navigate through these challenging teenage years. And let’s be honest, parenting is tough enough, so any advice these days is always welcome at our house. Add a glass of wine, and I’m all ears.

Wine always tastes better with great company!
Creating a fun table setting
I love the combination of yellow, black and white. This paper table runner comes on a roll so it’s super easy to toss when it gets too messy. I bought it from a local home store in Phoenix, Urbana, but you can find online here.
Black, white and yellow tablescape
Fun, but simple table setting
Lemon Plates $49/4 Lemon Napkin Rings $22/4 Black/White Paper Table Runner $20/25 ft
Oh here, let me refill your glass.
Putting the grandmas to work
The fringed tulips are from Trader Joe’s. Trim the stems, peel off most of the leaves and drop in a vase for an easy, modern arrangement down the center of the table. Keeping it simple is the key. Focus on your special company.
Helping set the table
Keeping the menu simple
This may be one of my all-time favorite dishes to make. It only uses one dish, tastes amazing, and comes out spectacular every single time. It’s fool-proof. Really!
Try this Skillet Roasted Lemon Chicken, you’ll love it!
Massaging the lettuce spreads the vinaigrette more evenly
This salad is super easy and always works with almost any entree.
Black and white cookies
Desserts are not my forté, so you won’t see me spending a lot of time baking or fussing over them. These cookies were from Trader Joe’s, and fit into my color scheme perfectly.
Dear Diary: Please don’t ever take my Tuesdays away. I cherish them too much. XOXO
[…] Like this idea? You ‘ll enjoy this post where I share another favorite go-to recipe for my Tuesday dinners. […]